Aaron Goss


Aaron's interest in malting began his earliest experiments in home brewing, as a creative outlet while obtaining his law degree and MBA from Wake Forest University. The hobby stuck through two more years of school and five years as a class action civil litigator, and Aaron progressed through extract brewing to mashing his own grain to growing his own hops and re-using yeast to malting his own grain, until he understood the whole process from dirt and microbes to pint glass.

Aaron decided to start Carolina Malt House after he learned that almost all (99.9%) of the beer drunk in the Carolinas is made from barley grown thousands of miles away. Being from Rowan County, in the middle of the Carolinas' grain belt, he thought, ``Why not here?``

No stranger to exhaustive research, Aaron started learning about malt production, reading every volume he could find on the topic. He even got to utilize his German language education to decipher old German academic articles. While reading, he began designing machinery, and after several months he had designed a mechanized malting facility. It has been one of the great joys of his life to then get to build it.

Mark van Wagenberg

Head Maltster

Henry Richardson

Head of Sales

A Tennessee boy at heart, Henry first fell in love with the Carolinas when he attended the University of South Carolina in Columbia. After graduating with a double major in Finance and Real Estate Investment, he decided he didn’t want to work for a bank and took a job where he acquired land for a utility-scale solar developer and EPC firm. While honing in his technical sales abilities, Henry gained exposure to the beautiful landscape of the Carolinas and connected with those people who farmed it. After jumping into the brewing industry by helping a start-up brewery grow its business and shape its financial strategy, Henry found his place with Carolina Malt. Now he is passionate about providing the southeast with high quality malts from locally sourced grains. When he’s not talking malt, Henry likes homebrewing, wetting a line, and getting friends together for a pig roast.

In 2022, Henry received a Certificate in Brewing from the Institute of Brewing and Distilling (IBD).