Aaron Goss, co-founder and President of Carolina Malt, operating a skid steer during the build-out.
Construction of our custom designed, malt-quality storage bins. (Having these bins on-site gives us the ability to take barley directly from our farmers the day it is harvested. This ensures that the barley is kept at the highest quality possible during storage, retaining a 99% germ rate. It also removes the need for a third-party seed cleaner, which gives us a cost advantage over other malt houses.)
Construction of the roof, viewed from the top of our newly built storage bins.
View from our cleaning room, where our clipper and gravity table will soon reside.
Placement of propane tank.
Our liquor tank hoisted into place. (We use 100% natural well water that is irrigated back onto our sixty acre property in Cleveland, NC.)
Completed malt house today, producing the highest-quality, locally grown malts at an affordable price.